A. Pretext

Since the whole Incubation program is created for a university/academic institution to incubate and nurture startups, there are some pre-requisites we should note as follows,

B. Timeline rational

Application Deadline : Tentative 24th December (before holiday season)

Results Deadline : Tentative 24th January (7-10 days buffer before cohort commencement)

The cohort for PGP starts their VIP in the 4th term, which is between November and December. By the end of December, the cohort will be well equipped to apply for incubation with an idea and a preliminary pitch deck.

Graduation : May

This gives the incubation team May to complete the post-graduation formalities and the handover to the next cohort. Furthermore, based on the global data of seasonality of funding, April to September is usually the time when the maximum funding deals are closed during the year, so our incubated startups will have more opportunities for funding.