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Welcome to TBC house - a community space



Hello visitor,

Welcome to TBC House, a community space to showcase our community stars and our achievements. This little space is where we consolidate and unify our knowledge, resources, projects, technologies, and most importantly, people. This space is maintained by the community, and we will keep sharing updates on community events, knowledge resources, and career opportunities.

The Third Block Community (TBC) is an open forum for education and promotion of web3 and blockchain technologies. The aim is to create an ecosystem for non-tech folks to start learning, earning, and contributing to the web3 ecosystem. The community is focused on helping more and more business folks adopt Web3 fundamentals and find their place in the ecosystem. We curate and create educational content focused on breaking down technology for our community members, and we are on a mission to return democracy to every aspect of a people-led society.

The Logic of Third

Cohort 23 is the third child of Masters Union School of Business, and there can’t be a better time to kickstart a community for Web3. The name ThirdBlockCommunity draws the parallelism between the third cohort and the third generation of the web. The Third Block signifies the third generation in the chain of MUSB.

Untitled Database

Meet People of TBC House

Third Block Community Folks

TBC Knowledge Hub

<aside> 📚 This is TBC official knowledge repository, Where we have curated all the resources and learning materials in order to felicitate your learning journey in web3 & blockchain. All the content and media is strictly public and free, we do not charge anyone for knowledge as someone on the internet has also given it for free. Be kind and share it with more people and help us grow TBC family. WGMI 🚀


10 Days zero to hero journey in web3

Take this 10 days in web3 course (courtesy TheProductFolks Web3 Academy)

Learning Curriculums & Courses

Learning Decks by Community

Learning from Videos

Articles, Blogs to follow

Tools of the Trade

Web3 startup Incubators